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This is going to be a book you read before you quit 

your job by Robert T Kiyosaki.

  • Now at the very beginning of this book he describes two people, there is the employee and the employer.

  • The employee is a specialist and they know a lot about a little in other words they know a lot about one specific thing.

  • The other is an employer and they are a generalist which means that they know a little about a lot they know they can see the big picture.

  • Now an employee has security and a lot of people get this confused they think that security and what the employer has which is freedom are associated with each other they think security and freedom are the same things, in fact, they are opposites.

For example, 

  • The employee works out of fear the employee works for security. The security of having a Salary for a month and for that he gives up his freedom. He may get paid twice a month. 

  • But it is out of fear people to go to college most people generally go to college out of fear in fact they will not get a decent job and make enough to support their life and their family.

  • And this is out of fear not very many people go to college or at least you don't hear them going to college for the love of study or for the love of scholarship employers however do not go to college out of fear. 

  • They go out of college seeking knowledge and seeking freedom and they take the risk they are giving up their security of a monthly or weekly paycheck for their freedom.

  • That they may not be paid every two weeks they may not be paid twice monthly but that eventually they may be paid every single day for a bigger reward in fact, for many, the reward is the freedom of the way to spend their time or the freedom of choosing which products to buy.

Now Robert T Kiyosaki says that to become successful to become a successful entrepreneur you must be able to learn from your failures. 

  • You must be able to create many failures because every failure leads you closer to the success he says that when he was young he went door-knocking to sell stuff you know those people that sell vacuums or they sell nice little trinkets but they sell those.

  • And he said that he went around and he was asking his rich dad how to obtain more yeses he wanted to know how he could get more people to buy his stuff and rich dad's reply was you need to ask more people.

  • And he realized that the more people who said no but also the more people said yes and by asking more people he started to become a better salesman and by getting more knows from people he eventually got more yeses by cultivating his skill.
  • And I like the quote that everyone learns through mistakes but there's no rule that they have to be yours and you can put this into practice like a let's take. 

For example, 

  • If you win the lottery that it's a quick fix and you're never going to have money problems again but there's actually a fact that 70% of lottery winners lose money in less than five years that they end up going bankrupt. 

  • And this is scary and the reason for this is because they did not have enough failures they did not create for themselves failure so that they may have a chance to learn from their mistakes.

  • So that they may become successful they did not learn how to manage that money they did not learn how to earn that money how to invest it properly and this is what Robert T Kiyosaki is explaining is that you must get really in-depth and understand how to use your money through the failures.

  • What you have done in the past or by reading books and learning from other failures he says that you can turn bad luck into good luck if you work on it long enough and you work on bettering yourself and making yourself a better person.

  • You have to learn how to learn instead of blaming instead of pointing fingers and he also mentions that Henry Ford was once asked what would you do if you lost a billion dollars.

  • And Henry Ford replied I'd have it back within five years and this is a type of person that you want to become the type of person that even if you ended up losing your money.

  • If everything you've ever owned was taken away from you have cultivated your skills your value your networking to a high degree but even if you lost all that money you'd be able to get it back.

  • That you have learned from those previous mistakes that you wouldn't have to make them again that you'll be able to get it faster than next time.

  • I find this really interesting I hope you learned something from this article and I hope you enjoyed reading it subscribe for more. 



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